2018 Stacy Lynch

Community Volunteer Awards
2018 Honoree
Stacy Lynch

Distinguished Service to Youth

Stacy Lynch
Stacy Lynch would never blow her own horn. But she has helped a whole lot of kids to blow theirs.

Stacy is the multi-tasking Super Mom who keeps the Cordova High School Band on the march, helps the Cordova High Orchestra hit the high notes, the Jazz Band stay cool… and so much more. 

Stacy has been president of the Cordova High School Music Boosters for five years, beginning with her oldest child and staying on as her second child joined the school color guard. If this continues through Stacy’s brood of four, she will put in a total of 14 years before she is finished.

Keeping all these music programs rolling is no small task for this energetic volunteer. Cordova High School musicians prepare and compete nearly year round, and that’s a lot of instruments, uniforms and meals for which to plan.

There are trailers to haul, trips to organize, fundraising dinners to plan, fireworks booths to staff and more.

There are also parents to rally, teenagers to corral, hands to hold, broken hearts to mend, spirits to boost. It truly is a job for a person with the skills of a Mother and the heart of a Superhero.

“Basically, we do everything that is needed to support the Band Director Kevin Sims,” she said. “That allows him to be the teacher and provide the inspiration.”

Stacy says she learned to be a great volunteer from her own mother, who was always involved with her kids. She can do the same with the support of husband John and other great parents who are willing to pitch in. She does it for the kids, and just isn’t that complicated:

“You have kids, and you support them,” she said. “That’s what we are supposed to do.” 

It’s more complicated than it looks, according to Janelle Tyson, who nominated Stacy.

“Every little detail is taken into consideration, and is all in her hands,” Janelle told us.  
“She can be stirring a pot of soup while coordinating with band leadership and attending to several questions from parents and kids. She makes sure the kids are fed and properly cared for.”

But it goes even deeper, Janelle said.

“She makes sure all the kids feel important and shows a lot of respect, care and pride for the kids, as if they were her own. Her care is reflected in the kids. The respect and care Stacy provides molds kids and youth into better adults.”

Thank you, Stacy Lynch, for your service to our youth. You are not only a great role model for the teens who respect and depend upon you. You are superhero role model for all of us adults, too.

Congratulations and thank you for your Distinguished Service to Youth.
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