2018 Bill Kong and Walt Little

Community Volunteer Awards
2018 Honoree
Bill Kong & Walt Little

Distinguished Community Service

Bill Kong & Walt Little
You don’t have to be a superhero to deliver more than 15 million meals to hungry people, but it sure doesn’t hurt.

That’s the number of meals the Cordova Community Food Locker has provided to hungry people in Rancho Cordova since they opened their doors in 1987. It amounts to 5,000 meals a month.

So it seemed like a no-brainer when fans of the Food Locker nominated not one – but two—of their superhero volunteers for Distinguished Community Service.

Bill Kong is 91 years young and has made volunteering a big part of his long life. Nominated by his co-volunteers, Bill is a retired mechanical engineer for the State of California, husband and dad of three, who has been volunteering both here and in San Francisco since before some in this room were born.

Bill got started as a driver for Meals on Wheels for seven years, reaching out to shut-in seniors with a daily meal. That brought him into contact with the Cordova Food Locker. That was nine years ago, and he has been volunteering three days a week packing up groceries for hungry families ever since.

His co-workers said Bill is so reliable, that he can be counted upon to be on site each day the Food Locker is open. One of them told us that Bill has become the “anchor to whom other volunteers turn to for advice and help, making sure that each and all of our clients are treated with the utmost respect as they struggle to provide for their families.”

Walt Little has been a fixture at the Food Locker since its inception in 1987, and is considered a co-founder. Walt is an ordained Deacon at St. John Vianney Catholic Church. He reminded us that “Deacon” means “servant.” The Food Locker provides service where it is needed the most. 

As the co-founder and now chairman of the board and directors of the Food Locker, Walt’s job is to oversee operations and raise awareness among those in need and those who can help. The most precious moments come when he is approached by a donor with check in hand who says: “I wanted to give back -- because you were there when I needed you.” 

Walt will be retiring at the end of this year – that’s 30 years of remarkable service to the neediest among us.

Julie Hagan-Belka nominated Walt. She said: “Nothing satisfies a more important need in our community than the very basic need of feeding the hungry.” 

We agree.

Bill Kong and Walt Little, you are the Batman and Robin of the battle against hunger in Rancho Cordova. Thank you for your humble service in the meeting the most humble of needs. Congratulations!
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